Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Savanna biomes are located in Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America. It can be found between a desert biome and a tropical forest biome.  It is usually located near the equator.


The climate in a savanna biome is dry in the winter, and and rainy in the summer. In the winter, the temperature is in the range of 68-78 degrees fahrenheit, and in the summer it is in the range of 78-86 degrees fahrenheit.

Three Plants

A plant that is found in a savanna biome is called baobab. They can grow up to 25 meters tall. They don't have leaves for nine months of a year. They can live for several thousand years

Another plant is called a jackalberry tree. It can grow up to 80 feet tall. They are often found by river beds. they have a circumference of 16 feet.

One more plant is called a river bushwillow. It is a native plant that like warm weather. It also grows near rivers.


 Jackalberry Tree


River Bushwillow

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two Animals

lion.jpgOne animal that lives in a savanna biome is the lion. Lions grow up 10 feet long. They can weigh up to 240 pounds. Lions eat small and medium animals including zebras, buffalos, and gazelles.


Another resident of a savanna biome is the black mamba. It is a very deadly snake. It can grow up to 14 feet long. They eat birds and small rodents.

Endangered Animal

The koala bear is around 33 inches long. They weigh between 13.2 lbs. and 30.8 lbs. The koala bears got pushed out of their home a long time ago and now only 20% of their original habitat remains.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Nigriceps Ants

Nigriceps Ants have adapted to living trees, because it is hard to make a nest in the soil during the rainy season. They live in whistling thorn acacia trees. They keep other ants from invading their tree by trimming it so it can only grow tall and skinny, keeping the tree from making contact with other trees.

Sunday, November 11, 2012